Isaiah (Romania)

Isaiah Finding Hope Romania

My Own Words

“I slept most nights outside in alleys. I ate whatever food I could find. I have about 15 brothers and sisters. Our parents made us beg for money on the streets and take it home to them. 

I liked my mom but my dad was mean. He used to beat me when I came home with no money. I still have scars. He would beat my brothers and sisters too. I would run away and not go home for a week. I would sleep outside on the grass at night. If it was raining I would sleep under a bench to stay dry.

When I was about 3 or 4, my mom took me and left me at the train station because she said that they would have more money if I wasn’t around. I was by myself for ten days at the station. I mostly just found water to drink. I found some food from the ground or trash can to eat. Nobody helped me until the police found me. They took me to the orphanage.

At the orphanage we had to stay inside all day and we weren’t allowed to do anything. Sometimes we could only go outside to the park. We never went to school or learned anything. I don’t remember much.

My new mom got me from there and now I have a family and I’m not in the orphanage anymore.”

Isaiah (9)
Cisnadie, Romania
Finding Hope Ministries