Miriam (Tanzania)

Miriam | My Own Words | Arusha, Tanzania | www.schoolinghumans.com

My Own Words

“I didn’t finish my secondary education. I got pregnant. The school kicked me out. In Tanzania, if you get pregnant you are not allowed to go to a government school anymore. I had to find a private training centre to continue my education. 

Now, in the afternoon after I finish my classes, I go to help my mom sell food on the street. I’ve helped her for many years. She cooks traditional Tanzanian food and people can come to her and buy lunch. I usually get home around 7:00pm.

Having a child now makes it hard to do both school and work, so I can earn enough money to pay for my school and still meet my basic needs. 

I think I’d like to open my own restaurant so I can help my mother and my son. My dream is to build my own house for my family.

But in a perfect world, I’d like to become an actress. I tried already to get in many years ago but they told me I was too young. They don’t have many movies in Tanzania so I hope someone could give me the opportunity to try, hopefully in India. I love everything about India. Bollywood movies are my favourite. I think one day I can be famous. I can speak a little Indian but I’ll have to learn more. 

I think it’s awesome how people watch movies and they get inspired to do new things. I want to be the person who inspires others.”

Miriam (20)

Arusha, Tanzania

Kyosei Training Centre

Joshua HartComment