Paths School (Bulgaria)

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In a country where going against the grain is not common, Paths School is certainly doing just that. Created to reach those students and families that were not satisfied with the traditional, rigid education system in Bulgaria, Paths School is adapting to the changing global landscape.

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Based on a model of “structured freedom”, the students are engaged in academic learning activities in the morning, with personal endeavours in the afternoon. These afternoon activities allow students to get experience in topics, activities and learning that wouldn’t typically happen in a normal school. The school has a workshop for creating and building, photography classes give students the ability to capture their surroundings and ceramics appeals to the creators and artists at the school.

But, the big difference from most schools is that the students don’t have to do any of that if they choose not to. It’s not complete freedom to do nothing. They still have to be engaged in an activity that is productive; it could be building with Lego, reading a book, drawing, or just a different math activity in a new space.

The school really promotes the relationship between the parents, teachers and students. Parents are involved in discussions with their child on what they want them to get out of their education. It is up to the students to follow through. They are given the responsibility to control their own learning path. Hence, the name of the school.

Each morning and afternoon starts with a circle meeting. Students and teachers discuss upcoming events, issues and any other topics that the students bring up. A big goal for each student is to develop the self-confidence to speak up and not be afraid of having an opinion. Students are trusted to make decisions, and take ownership of their role in the school. If they get lost along the way, the teachers will step in to re-focus them.


In addition to classroom learning, the children have several long periods during the day where they have free time for creative activities. It could includes running and playing games outside or reading a book on the sunny third floor. Teachers supervise to make sure everyone is staying safe, but ultimately the students have two hours to decide how they want to spend their time. Between the personal endeavours and free time, everyone has plenty of opportunities to find their passions and interests.

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Another big component for the older students is the option to participate in one of the trips that happen throughout the year to areas around Bulgaria. Children as young as seven, can travel with their peers and teachers to take their learning to a new environment, all while developing the confidence to be away from home and take on new challenges in a unique setting.

Nearby the school, within a 10-minute walk is an extensive park system. At least once a month, each group will get to visit the park and engage in forest school activities - building a shelter, setting up a spiderweb challenge course, walk along a tightrope, or just climb a nearby tree. The goal is to give student limited materials and allow their imaginations to run wild using the elements that nature provides.

Other regular events include art galleries visits, exhibitions, special guest presentations and field trips around the city. All of this is optional for each child. However, most choose to participate and join on these mini-adventures because they find it exciting to explore new spaces and unique learning spaces.

It was exciting to see how this type of education model combines elements from a democratic school of complete freedom with more structure during the day. The students seemed happy, confident and excited to be at school. They displayed creativity in their play, making up games on the spot, suggesting activities to do in their free time and generally taking responsibility for themselves. Just as traditional schools will not work for all students, schools such as Paths will not work for certain students. Some kids will struggle with the freedom and limited structure. But clearly, it’s working for many, and these families are grateful for this model.

Paths School is leading the way for alternative schooling in Bulgaria. As long as the students continue to thrive, learn and grow in self-confidence, this form of education will appeal to parents seeking another option in Bulgaria’s slowly evolving educational landscape.