Mia (Bulgaria)

My Own Words Sofia Bulgaria | www.schoolinghumans.com

“My family spends a lot of time outside in nature. I prefer to be outside because there are so many things to do. When I’m inside I feel trapped. Outside has the whole world. 

My family appreciates nature a lot and we try not to throw many things away. We bought a house in the forest because we wanted to prove that we can live out there and keep it clean. 

Another way we preserve nature is by planting trees. Our family likes to plant trees. When I go for a walk near my grandfather’s house and I see fallen trees it makes me sad. It makes me want to plant more trees. 

Taking care of nature is important because if the bees go extinct then we will not exist either. They are used for pollination and making the flowers blossom. The plants then help with the clean air. I really love nature.”

Mia (7)

Sofia, Bulgaria 

Joshua Hart